You Know What You Are
I tried to slip myself through, tried to get to the other side
I had to patch up the cracks and the holes that I have to hide
For a little bit of time even made it work okay
Just long enough to really make it hurt
When they figured me out and it all just rotted away
Don't you fucking know what you are?
Don't you fucking know what you are?
Don't you fucking know what you are?
(Go on, get back to where you belong)
You better take a good look 'cause I'm full of shit
With every bit of my heart I have tried to believe in it
You can dish it all out, you can try to pretend
But you can't change anything,
but you can't change anything, in the end
Don't you fucking know what you are?
Don't you fucking know what you are?
Don't you fucking know what you are?
(Go on, get back to where you belong)
Don't you fucking know what you are?
remember where you came from
remember what you are
remember where you came from
remember what you are
remember where you came from
remember what you are
remember where you came from
remember what you are
remember where you came from
remember what you are
remember where you came from
remember what you are
remember where you came from
remember what you are
remember where you came from
remember what you are
remember where you came from
remember what you are
Don't you fucking know what you are?
(Go on, get back to where you belong)
Don't you fucking know what you are?
(Go on, get back to where you belong)
Don't you fucking know what you are?
(Go on, get back to where you belong)
Don't you fucking know what you are?
(Go on, get back to where you belong)
Mr.Self Destruct 트렌트 레즈너의 나인 인치 네일스의 최근 앨범 수록곡....Downward Spirial 앨범만큼의 정신적인 충격(!!)이야 덜하지만 여전한 자아파괴적인 사운드는 여전하다....라디오헤드가 은둔형 외톨이 사운드라면, 나인 인치 네일스는 은둔형 자해(自害) 사운드가 아닐까? 싶다....
다양한 헤어스타일, 다양한 가슴모양, 다양한 성적 취향, 다양한 성격, 다양한 신체구조, 다양한 생김새만큼이나 음악쪽에도 그 취향이랄지 사운드 색채는 다양한 것이어서 느닷없이 '나는 왜 이렇게 병신같이 살고 있지?' 라는 I Hate Myself !! 라는 생각이 들때 들어주면 꽤나 약효가 좋은 밴드이다....(고 생각한다..) 그런 기분이 들때 그런 용도에 맞춰 위로가 되는 음악도 이 세상에는 있게 마련인것이다.....